

Carinne Paddock teaches fourth grade at Oak Grove Elementary in Sebastopol, California. Carinne is part of the first cohort to complete the Maker Certificate Program at Sonoma State University in April, 2015. She started a classroom Maker Space in September, 2014 and promoted the first annual Cardboard Challenge at Oak Grove. Carinne and her principal, Paige Gardner, were astounded by the interest and participation by so many students in this Maker event. She has mentored members of her faculty and administrative staff in Maker philosophy. Carinne has written and received grants to Sebastopol Rotary Club, OGEP, and Donor's Choose for Maker materials that are available to students and teachers school-wide.


Courses taught by Carinne Paddock

Maker Education and NGSS: An Overview for Implementing Maker TK-8